If you have high blood pressure, it’s a good idea to take extra care to protect yourself during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Early research shows that people with the condition may be more likely to:
Get COVID-19
Have worse symptoms
Die from the infection
High Blood Pressure Risks
Growing data shows a higher risk of COVID-19 infections and complications in people with high blood pressure.
Analysis of early data from both China and the U.S. shows that high blood pressure is the most commonly shared pre-existing condition among those hospitalized, affecting 30%*1 and 50%*2 respectively of the patients. Other health conditions included cancer, diabetes, or lung disease. In Italy, a report said that more than 99% of people who had died from the virus had one of these conditions — and 76% of them had high blood pressure. *3
Other research shows that people with high blood pressure are also slightly more likely to die from coronavirus. Their risk is about twice as high as that of the overall population.
Q: Does high blood pressure increase your risk of getting COVID-19?
A: Yes, having high blood pressure, especially if untreated or not well controlled, is associated with increased risk of infection. It’s not quite clear as to why or how, but chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure and obesity, can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections.
Q: Does your blood pressure play a role in how ill you’ll get?
A: Research has found that people with uncontrolled or untreated high blood pressure may be at risk of getting severely ill with COVID-19.
Q: How Coronavirus affects people with high blood pressure?
A: While pneumonia is the most common complication of the virus, it can also damage the cardiovascular system.
High blood pressure damages arteries and reduces the flow of blood to your heart. That means your heart has to work harder to pump enough blood. Over time, this extra work can weaken your heart to the point where it can’t pump as much oxygen-rich blood to your body.
Coronavirus can also damage the heart directly, which can be especially risky if your heart is already weakened by the effects of high blood pressure. The virus may cause inflammation of the heart muscle called myocarditis, which makes it harder for the heart to pump.
If you also have plaque buildup in your arteries, the virus may make those plaques more likely to break apart and cause a heart attack. Past studies have shown that people with heart disease who get a respiratory illness like the flu or earlier types of coronavirus are at higher risk for a heart attack. Besides, infection places your body under significant stress, so an increase or decrease in blood pressure may occur — especially if the infection worsens your kidney function.
Q: Can your blood pressure meds affect the severity of COVID-19?
A: The short answer is no. There was some concern early on that certain groups of drugs, ACE inhibitors and ARBs, may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection by increasing the availability of binding sites for the virus. However, randomized trials have concluded that ACE inhibitors and ARBS are safe to use.
Q: What are the best ways to control your blood pressure if you get COVID-19?
A: Monitor your blood pressure if you are at home, but make sure you are using a monitor that’s validated. This just means the monitor has been verified to be clinically accurate. Second, continue to take your blood pressure medications as prescribed unless your doctor says otherwise. Lastly, stay well hydrated and follow a heart-healthy diet.
Q: What are the best ways people with blood pressure problems can protect themselves from getting COVID-19?
A: Get vaccinated!
Q: If you’re worried about the safety of visiting your doctor’s office at this time, what should you do?
A: Try remote patient monitoring. You’ll receive your own blood pressure monitor, and you can then check your blood pressure from home. Then, you either manually enter or automatically upload the results to a dashboard your provider can see.
Some patients have skipped their regular checkups for chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, but that isn’t healthy. If you haven’t had a checkup in the last 6- 12 months, it may be a good idea to follow up with your provider. You may be able to use telehealth and visit over your phone or computer.
Q: Can the COVID-19 vaccine affect your blood pressure?
A: The COVID-19 vaccine does not appear to directly affect blood pressure. However, a very small number of individuals may experience an increase in their blood pressure if they are extremely anxious or have a strong pain response when they get the vaccine. Alternatively, a sudden drop in blood pressure could occur in the very rare case of a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine (anaphylaxis). In either case, waiting 10-15 minutes after receiving the vaccine is reasonable, as these very rare reactions usually occur within minutes of getting the vaccine.
Q: Will the vaccine impact the effectiveness of your blood pressure meds?
A: Based on the available evidence at this time, no.
Q: Are people with high blood pressure more likely to experience adverse reactions to the vaccine?
A: Based on the available evidence at this time, no.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure is the leading risk factor for death and disability. The accurate measurement of blood pressure is essential for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. One important aspect of accurate measurement is whether the blood pressure measurement device has been validated for clinical accuracy. There are generally no quick fixes for high blood pressure. It is a chronic disease that requires management over many years to prevent the complications of coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and heart failure. But by following a heart healthy lifestyle, working closely with your health care team, measuring your blood pressure regularly and taking your medications every day as prescribed, high blood pressure can be well managed and your risk of complications can be significantly reduced. *456
Checking your blood pressure at home can be a way to monitor any hypertension and potential for heart disease, so as to lower the risk of getting Covid-19 infection or developing severe illness.
URiGHT BP Master blood pressure monitor gives clinically accurate and reliable blood pressure readings and the pulse rate with irregular heart beat (IHB) alert. In addition, it has automated averaging function and multi-user memory which one can easily take 3 times measurements continuously and allow 4 people to monitor and record their blood pressure at the same time.
URiGHT BP Master supports Bluetooth connection and RS232 connection. It’s suitable for all scenarios including telemedicine, telehealth, mobile health, remote patient monitoring, homecare and etc.
For more information about URiGHT BP Master blood pressure monitor, please click here.
If you are interested in becoming our distributor, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
*1: Juyi Li, MD1; Xiufang Wang, MS2; Jian Chen, BS3; et al (2020 April 23). Association of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors With Severity or Risk of Death in Patients With Hypertension Hospitalized for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection in Wuhan, China. JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5(7):825-830. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2020.1624
*2: Garg S, Kim L, Whitaker M, et al (2020 April 17). Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized with Laboratory-Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 — COVID-NET, 14 States, March 1–30, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:458–464. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6915e3
*3: Report sulle caratteristiche dei pazienti deceduti positivi a COVID-19 in
Italia Il presente report è basato sui dati aggiornati al 17 Marzo 2020. Italian National Institute of Health. Retrieve from https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Report-COVID-2019_17_marzo-v2.pdf
*4: Coronavirus and High Blood Pressure: What’s the Link? WebMD. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus-high-blood-pressure#1
*5: Dr. Dave Dixon (2021 May 19). COVID-19 and high blood pressure: Cause for concern? VCU Health. Retrieved from https://www.vcuhealth.org/news/covid-19/covid-19-and-high-blood-pressure-cause-for-concern
*6: Daniel C. DeSimone, M.D. COVID-19 and high blood pressure: Am I at risk? Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/expert-answers/coronavirus-high-blood-pressure/faq-20487663
*Photo Source: High Blood Pressure & COVID-19: What to Know About Your Risk. Houston Methodist. Retrieved from https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2020/aug/high-blood-pressure-and-covid-19-what-to-know-about-your-risk/